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Eliminate 100% the harmfulness of EMF radiation and Wi-Fi Bluetooth communication between the mobile phone and the integrated car system. You have a 1 year money back guarantee! Check how it works! Don't risk your health!
Institute of Transportation Studies California Partners for Advanced Transit and Highways (PATH)
(University of California, Berkeley)
Year 1992 Paper UCB-ITS-PRR-92-17 Research Reports - Highway Electrification And Automation
Steven E. Shladover
What is under the road? - Fragments:
... The baseline 400 Hz inductive power transfer system for the main test track and electric bus (third generation) produces an electromagnetic flux density of about 100 milligauss for passengers inside the bus, and 30 to 60 milligauss at chest height for passengers in conventional cars located above the powered roadway.
Pedestrians who walk across the powered roadway inductor are exposed to 10,000 milligauss at a height of 1 ft and about 1,000 milligauss at a height of 4 ft above the center of the inductor’s conductor slot.
For a pedestrian walking along a sidewalk parallel to the powered roadway, at a distance of 15 feet from the center of the powered lane, the flux density is in the range of 50 milligauss. ...
... It is also useful to note for comparison that the Florida state regulatory standard for magnetic flux density at the periphery of an electric utility transmission line right of way ranges from 150 to 250 milligauss. ...
... The electromagnetic field effects of the fourth-generation design were reduced by the same measures that were used to reduce acoustic noise: higher operating frequency, lower roadway current and field cancellation windings along the outer edges of the roadway inductor.
These led to reductions of the magnetic flux density to about 1000 milligauss at a height of 1 ft and about 100 milligauss at a height of 4 ft above the center of the conductor slot, with similar reductions by about one order of magnitude for the flux densities at locations near the roadway inductor and two orders of magnitude at larger distances to the side (10 ft or more). ...
5G Protection for Fuel Vehicle
Total protection and protection devices separately for each direction
Fuel Car, SUV, RV, Van or Truck, Bus and any other vehicle 5G Total Protection set - 6CV-5G
5G Total EMF Protection providing whole protection for any vehicle from all directions. It is combination of protection from all sides providing invisible walls, ceiling and floor. All of them filter harmful part of every passing through EMFs for 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G including 5G
Designed for any Vehicle
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5G Total Protection Set for any Vehicle (except RV)
Please call for Bus 5G products - CLICK
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Fuel Car, SUV, RV, Van or Truck, Bus and any other vehicle 5G Bluetooth EMF Protection Device
Bluetooth protection device need to be located inside “Glove Box” mounted on the inner side of the door. 5G version not require grounding. 5G version not required grounding through one of the mounting brackets or with supplied connection wire.
Designed for any Vehicle
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Please call for Bus 5G products - CLICK
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5G+ Protection for Fuel Vehicle
Total protection and protection devices separately for each direction
Fuel Car, SUV, RV, Van or Truck, Bus and any other vehicle 5G+ Total Protection set - 6CV-5G+
5G+ Total EMF Protection providing whole protection for any vehicle from all directions. It is combination of protection from all sides providing invisible walls, ceiling and floor. All of them filter harmful part of every passing through EMFs for 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G including 5G successors like 6G . . .
Designed for any Vehicle
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5G+ Total Protection Set for any Vehicle (except RV)
Please call for Bus 5G+ products - CLICK
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Fuel Car, SUV, RV, Van or Truck, Bus and any other vehicle 5G and 5G+ Bluetooth EMF Protection Device
Bluetooth protection device need to be located inside “Glove Box” mounted on the inner side of the door. 5G, 5G+ version not require grounding. 5G+ version not require grounding through one of the mounting brackets or with supplied connection wire.
Designed for any Vehicle
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Please call for Bus 5G+ products - CLICK
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7G Protection for Fuel Vehicle
Total protection and protection devices separately for each direction
Fuel Car, SUV, RV, Van or Truck, Bus and any other vehicle 7G Total Protection set - 6CV-7G
7G Total EMF Protection providing whole protection for any vehicle from all directions. It is combination of protection from all sides providing invisible walls, ceiling and floor. All of them filter harmful part of every passing through EMFs for 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G including 5G successors like 6G and 7G . . .
Designed for any Vehicle
Ready for:
7G Total Protection Set for any Vehicle (except RV)
Please call for Bus 7G products - CLICK
More Information - CLICK
Fuel Car, SUV, RV, Van or Truck, Bus and any other vehicle 5G, 5G+ and 7G Bluetooth EMF Protection Device
Bluetooth protection device need to be located inside “Glove Box” mounted on the inner side of the door. 5G, 5G+ and 7G version not require grounding. 7G version not required grounding through one of the mounting brackets or with supplied connection wire.
Designed for any Vehicle
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Please call for Bus 7G products - CLICK
More Information - CLICK
7G+ Protection for Fuel Vehicle
Total protection and protection devices separately for each direction
Fuel Car, SUV, RV, Van or Truck, Bus and any other vehicle 7G+ Total Protection set - 6CV-7G+
7G+ Total EMF Protection providing whole protection for any vehicle from all directions. It is combination of protection from all sides providing invisible walls, ceiling and floor. All of them filter harmful part of every passing through EMFs for 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G including 5G successors like 6G, 7G and 7G+ (8G) . . .
Designed for any Vehicle
Ready for:
7G+ Total Protection Set for any Vehicle (except RV)
Please call for Bus 7G+ products - CLICK
More Information - CLICK
Fuel Car, SUV, RV, Van or Truck, Bus and any other vehicle 5G, 5G+, 7G and 7G+ Bluetooth EMF Protection Device
Bluetooth protection device need to be located inside “Glove Box” mounted on the inner side of the door. 5G, 5G+, 7G and 7G+ version require grounding. 7G+ version require grounding through one of the mounting brackets or with supplied connection wire.
Designed for any Vehicle
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Please call for Bus 7G+ products - CLICK
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Links to all necessary information
On this page we are going directly to protection you are looking for.
All necessary information about protection, the method and functionality tests are on the listed pages and video below (not in order - everything is important). Link to another website will open a new window or tab.
Do you know how many EMFs in this Wi-Fi (not even counting Bluetuth) an electric or hybrid car produces?
For peace of mind, check out this link
Get the facts. . . Don't be fooled >>> "CLICK" - link
Everyone knows that electromagnetic fields in this Wi-Fi are harmful.
The list of symptoms of exposure to electromagnetic fields is very long. You can find your health problems directly related to them. Check it out here. . . "SYMPTOMS" - link
If you drive an electric or hybrid car, you are much more exposed to electromagnetic fields including Wi-Fi.
All patented by MicroAlpha Inc. the products featured on this and other websites offer true protection, making any electromagnetic fields that pass through your living space 100% harmless. This also applies to the protection of the driver and passengers of the car.
Here you will find the right products to protect electric and hybrid cars --- "CLICK" - link
Plus - yes - you have a one year money back guarantee to protect your investment and prove it to yourself. - link
There are two types of electromagnetic fields (EMF) man-made and natural. Both negatively affect our health, including fatigue.
Driving with our devices makes the driver and passengers less than half tired. This is important for long car journeys (and especially for professional drivers). Truck drivers, taxi drivers and other drivers use it to prove the effectiveness of our solution. The same applies to pilots and flight crews.
Also Jetlag (airplane) crew gone for good with EMF personal protection including WIFI.
Check Symptoms of EMF exposure and EMF around your home or protection against automotive EMF.
Protection from "Below" (battery and electric wiring)
and "Vertical" from EMFs from Engine compartment.
Protects from Engine and engine surrounding wiring system EMFs radiation (engine compartment)
Electric, Hybrid and Gas Car, SUV, RV, Van or Truck, Bus and any other vehicle 5G, 5G+, 7G and 7G+ Bluetooth EMF Protection Device
Bluetooth protection device need to be located inside “Glove Box” mounted on the inner side of the door. 5G, 5G+ and 7G version not require grounding. 7G+ version required grounding through one of the mounting brackets or with supplied connection wire.
Designed for any Vehicle
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Please call for Bus 7G+ products - CLICK
more information - CLICK
100% effective electromagnetic radiation protection products for cars, patented, unique and ONLY ONE on the market!
Stay Concentrated and Alert while driving. Protect yourself from the electromagnetic radiation EMFs and WiFi of your vehicle and the electromagnetic fields surrounding it!
Why is it necessary to protect the car against electromagnetic fields?
Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) combine the advantages of gasoline and electric engines. Purely Electric Vehicles (EVs) have an electric motor instead of an internal combustion engine. The vehicle uses a large set of batteries to power the electric motor and must be connected to a charging station or a wall socket to charge. As it is powered by electricity, the vehicle emits strong electromagnetic fields (EMF) surrounding the electrical system, engine and generator (hybrid car).
It is obvious that the car has many electronic instruments and wiring that work while driving. The car's body is also made of metal. It interacts with any WIFI and EMFs electromagnetic radiation your car passes through.
It always affects your physical health, causing drowsiness, irritability and mental fog, especially if you drive a car for long periods of time.
All towers and cell phones, power lines in the air or buried under the road are just a sample of your enemies.
It's even worse if you own a hybrid or electric car. For such luxury, you are exposed to an increased amount of EMF radiation produced by your own vehicle.
This puts your health at greater risk compared to older cars
Don't be fooled by scams that one device protects you and your passengers from surrounding electromagnetic fields. This is a dishonest lie that tricks you into buying something cheap. Consequently, you think you are protected instead of being protected.
In the real world, protection must always be between you and your enemy. So how can one device protect you from all directions?
Also, reducing electromagnetic fields does not make them harmless. They will be just as harmful as before. to understand this - why some countries have EMF safety limits 10 times lower than others if less EMF is harmless?
We have patented the ONLY SOLUTION - all electromagnetic fields in the protection zone are HARMFUL to any living creature. This also applies to the protection of your car against EMFs and WIFI electromagnetic fields.
It is not a dream!
In addition to EMF protection from "Below" (battery and electrical wiring) and "Vertical" from the engine, we have Total Vehicle Protection.
This set of devices creates EMFs and WIFI "BOX" protection around you and your passengers.
Today, in the age of great electricity, we are exposed to a rapidly increasing number of sources of EMFs and WIFIs. Look around. Was this many different health problems diagnosed 10, 20 years ago?
We know that many health problems (most of them) are related to exposure to EMFs and WIFIs. This forced the need for decent protection against all electromagnetic fields.
Neither you nor I would like to face more health problems.
We managed to solve the mystery of protection against electromagnetic fields. Now you have protection for your home, personal and many other uses including vehicle protection. Makes all electromagnetic fields 100% harmless.
For more information, see the "Solution", "Applications", and "Products".
Here we would like to highlight the sections "Total Home Protection" and "Personal Protection" as the most advantageous protection in addition to the Total Vehicle EMF Protection kit.
Total Protection - Buy it here
EMF Protection for ONE ROOM - total area below 270 sq ft. - for ONE Room (max. 16 ft. x 16 ft.) These neutralizers do not require an electrical ground connection.
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
EMF PROTECTION for APARTMENT (below 1,000 sq ft - above, use "Home EMF Protection") This These neutralizers do not require an electrical ground connection.
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
- total area below 2,500 sq ft - all floors (with basement if aplicable)
These neutralizers require an electrical ground connection.
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
- total area 2,500 to 10,000 sq ft - all floors (with basement if aplicable)
These neutralizers require an electrical ground connection.
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
Just One Solution:
Our products make all EMFs harmless allowing full recovery.Read more
Solution is described on pages listed below. Depends on your observations you should have
Personal protection and treatment:Read more
EMF protection for specific area:Read more
Benefits, Origin and ProtectionRead more
Home EMF protection:Read more
Desperate Meassures - FactsRead more
Important - Prevention, permanent protection and recovery - CLICK
Warranty | Disclaimer | Waver - Personal & Peace Disk | Waver - Neutralizer | Waver - Tablet | Waver - Pets Products
Q & A FORUM: How it Works? ... Q&A | Q&A-1 | Q&A-2 || BLOGS: #1 Global Killer - BLOG | Health and EMFs - Questions & Answers - Blog | Flora, Fauna and EMFs - Blog
References | Testimonials | MicroAlpha Video Library | Our websites |