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Turn your house (apartment) into a "sanctuary" free from their harmfulness! EMFs (including Wi-Fi) start causing damage from the first exposure. Of course also from the moment of conception! 1 Year Money Back Guarantee! See for yourself! It's worth it!
BUY EMF/WiFi Protection here: | for ROOM | for Apartment | for HOME | for LARGE HOME | Just One Solution |
| Video - The most powerful EMF protection | Video - The most powerful protection against electromagnetic fields - part 2 |
Total Protection - Buy it here
Our devices
Our devices eliminate the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields and waves (EMF and WiFi) in 100%. This allows us to propose several solutions. In fact, the most important element is the protection described in the first part (below), regardless of whether you decide to fully secure your apartment right away or by purchasing individual parts of protection in subsequent stages. This is an extremely important element of the solution we propose.
True EMF protection!
The scientist and inventor Zbigniew Małecki helped NASA with his inventions before he founded the company "MicroAlpha" (out of passion for further learning about the negative effects of electromagnetic fields, including WIFI around us, which attack us with harmful radiation).
He was surprised by so many health problems with unknown causes and wondered why people's health didn't always improve even with modern treatments.
He invented EMF neutralizers (including WIFI) that eliminate the negative properties of EMFs (including WIFI) and immediately noticed the difference in people who used them - more energy, less pain and much faster recovery.
We live and operate in the geomagnetic field, this absolutely fundamental environmental factor for our life and health. Without a strong field, our bodies are weakened. Our organisms have been genetically conditioned to work in the much greater intensity of the Earth's magnetic field.
While we have adapted somewhat to the reduced geomagnetic energy, we have also lost much of our body's functional vitality. Chronic and fatal diseases are common and even expected today. Children with attention disorders occur in almost every family.
Therefore, for our inventor, neutralizing electromagnetic fields was not the complete answer. He wanted to find a way to return a certain amount of magnetic energy to the body to correct the interference caused by the harmful effects of EMFs on our bodies.
After all, he reasoned, you couldn't turn on a computer without battery power or power supplied by plugging into an electrical outlet.
So how can the human body function effectively when there is not enough energy to "start the engine" and regenerate the cells that are the force that keeps the body alive?
This thought led him to the invention of magnetopathy and to provide a whole range of gentle magnetic pulses used by the brain to control and direct the body, which allowed to increase the energy efficiency of the body along with the neutralization of harmful electromagnetic fields. This patented technology is taking the world by storm. Finally, the body can regenerate and improve health by effectively fighting diseases.
What are you waiting for?
Protect your dwelling
Protection of the house, apartment and the place where we spend the most time every day!
We are affected by two types of electromagnetic fields through the floor; natural and man-made. Both are just as dangerous and work around the clock without interruption. It definitely worsens the regenerative capacity during rest. In addition, in addition to disturbed rest, our defense system tries to fight them, qualifying them in the same way as viruses or bacteria. Of course, there are no proper tools, so this fight is completely pointless, although it lasts as long as these fields are recognized as our enemy. Of course, this requires energy, so despite not very good sleep, some of the energy produced is irretrievably lost to the fight against EMFs and WIFI.
Protection from Below
Having a Neutralizer to protect against electromagnetic fields radiating from below in a house or apartment is the most important tool to improve our recovery while resting. This minimal Neutralizer configuration allows for energy regeneration during sleep, which is extremely important. This is a basic protection feature.
Through cellings and roofs
Now about EMFs and WIFI protection through ceilings and roofs. Our brilliant mind invented the possibility of transmitting signals via satellites. So, in addition to cosmic rays from above, we are also threatened by our own wireless telephony and wireless devices network that also use satellite links. It's great to get a clean and fast internet connection or an intercontinental call, but on the other hand, this is what attacks us through ceilings and roofs. In addition, the Earth's magnetic field was significantly weakened in 2012. Its intensity decreased twenty times - significantly reducing our protection against cosmic rays. It often disrupts our sleep patterns regardless of our age or health. The same applies to radiation rising from beneath houses and buildings. Here we are protected by the second type of Neutralizer designed as a kind of umbrella. It eliminates the harmfulness of radiation reaching us through ceilings or roofs.
A set of such Neutralizers creates walls around our dwelling
Yes, what about cell phone towers?
Exactly - to protect against radiation energy from cell phone towers, smart meters and other devices operating around our house or apartment, we have special Neutralizers that generate fields that filter all incoming waves or electromagnetic fields, eliminating their harmfulness. A set of such Neutralizers creates walls around our apartment or house, protecting us from what surrounds our house or apartment, giving comfort to your body, releasing stress and allowing our defense system to rest.
Best Solution
Installing all of the protection (bottom, top and all around) is the best solution, although even one Neutralizer to protect against rising from under floor radiation is vital and will help with many health problems. Especially where rest is crucial to improving your health and getting the energy your body needs. The body can successfully defeat diseases with enough energy.
Why are the sick, young children and the elderly most at risk of developing severe course of Covid 19?
They all have one common thing - low energy levels - in other words, a low level of the immune system, or how strong the body reacts to a virus attack. The more energy - the more effective the defense against the virus. It's just like the military - you have a stronger army - you will win the battle.
The effectiveness depends on the type of protection you choose:
Total protection - protection from below, above and all around allows your body to experience maximum benefits; rest and recovery.
Link -
Typical protection - top and bottom protection - less effective than total protection, but still valuable.
Link – bottom -
Link – top -
Regular protection - protection from below - has been the most common protection until the last few years. The rapidly weakened geomagnetic field (collapsing magnetic field of the Earth) enables significantly increased penetration of cosmic rays into our environment and the rapid expansion of satellite connections. Both type of radiation are as dangerous as very strong electromagnetic fields. Protection from below is important, but we also recommend top and all-round protection.
Link – bottom -
SMART Meter and Router Protection
Of course, if you have your own router or smart meter, you also need protection against them.
Link -
Here are links to pages dedicated to each of the devices discussed.
Link – below -
Link – top -
Link – around -
Link – total -
Link – step by step -
Link – router & smart meter -
What to do when we're away from home?
The same EMF and WIFI radiation against which we have secured our house or apartment is everywhere.
We also have our own solution for this. It works equally effectively, eliminating 100% harmfulness of the EMF and WIFI fields attacking us. It is a type of necklace called a Peace Ball and it transforms the collected harmful part of the energy of the electromagnetic fields passing through its containment zone into the entire spectrum of magnetic pulses needed by your body and it transmits it through your body. This will improve the functionality of your entire body in the same way that the best type of fuel works instead of the standard type used in most cars. Same car, same engine, but more power and much better acceleration. You can read more about this on the pages linked below.
Link – personal protection – Peace Ball -
Link – Magnetopathy -
How can you speed up your recovery by using the next application of our inventions?
The device most often built in the shape of a disc is handmade and adapted to the current needs of the future user. It's called Peace Disk and it is designed to send a focused beam of magnetic pulses aimed at the area that needs assistance during recovery. It can be compared to the beam of a good flashlight. It can not only relax, reduce or relieve pain, but also works with any other therapy to accelerate the rehabilitation and regeneration (reconstruction) of a specific part of the body. More information - links below:
Link – Peace Disk -
Link – Magnetopathy -
We have many clients in the 55+ age group. They have much more energy, better performance, better brain function, increase immunity (better resistance to infections like flu, etc.) and feel younger.
Explained below: The set of neutralizers provides complete protection against any cell towers, Wi-Fi, antennas or other electromagnetic fields around your home, apartment or other space protected by our devices.
Link - TOTAL Protection -
The MicroAlpha Neutralizer is a device that protects a large area from the negative effects of electromagnetic fields (including WiFi and natural) from any direction (determined by the specific type of Neutralizer) - from above, below or from the sides - without interfering with communications such as mobile phone transmission or data. It's like a water filter. EMF energy passing through the shield becomes harmless to any living thing.
Surround yourself with the missing link of health and vitality
MicroAlpha neutralizers.
Basic versus Regular Neutralizers
The regular neutralizer (Regular) is designed to protect everything within a specific (specified for each model) range of protection.
We divided the neutralizers into 3 groups, as you can see in the picture above.
The first group [1] is intended for protection against electromagnetic fields, including WIFI, against electromagnetic radiation "BAD_RADIATION" approaching from cell towers or antennas below the neutralizer station. The neutralizer should be located at the lowest level of the protected area (e.g. basement floor). You don't have to worry about moisture or water getting into your basement affecting the performance of your neutralizer because our neutralizers are 100% waterproof.
The second group [2] of neutralizers acts as an umbrella and protects against all electromagnetic fields, including WIFI "BAD_RADIATION" from above - from the tower or antennas (also from the "BAD_RADIATION" space), except for the cases explained below. A neutralizer from this group should be located at the highest level of the protected area (building, etc.) above your head, but below the cellular antenna or tower installed on the roof - e.g. on the roof. on the top shelf of a wardrobe or in the attic.
The third group [3] protects against all EMF electromagnetic fields, including WIFI, attacking your home (protected facility) from any side, from cellular masts or antennas (also smart meters, WiFi, etc.). This set of neutralizers act as walls surrounding your living space. You have many possible options here. We offer a set of two double modules placed as shown in the figure above in the opposite corners of the protected facility.
The neutralizer kits listed below are designed for every typical home, apartment, office and workplace. Please refer to the total area of the property you want to protect (including a basement if you have one).
You can also build Total EMF Protection step by step by adding EMF protection in a specific order:
For different configurations and their corresponding prices, please refer to the relevant section of our website or click "Click" for assistance.
Installation is very easy. Instructions are included with each product. Installation does not require any special tools. If you need more information, please click "Click" for help.
The neutralizer kits listed here are designed for every typical home, apartment, office and workplace. Please refer to the total area of the property you want to protect (including a basement if you have one).
For other configurations and corresponding prices, please refer to the relevant section of our website or contact us for assistance
Installation is very easy. Instructions are included with each product. No special tools are required.
If you need more information, please contact us for assistance.
The money back guarantee is increased:
as a response to drastic climate change in recent years.
For Peace Ball and Neutralizer - unlimited upgrades (unlimited)
For Peace Disk - no "money back" guarantee and no updates
Warranty conditions are explained here - CLICK
Exception – all neutralizers do not protect against heavy radiation such as x-rays - (gamma) or heavy particles (alpha and beta). They only protect against a wide spectrum of electromagnetic fields (from 0.01 Hz to over 300 GHz)
We also have a similar set of protection features to a car, boat or plane.
Link – car -
Link – electric and hybrid car -
Link – watercraft -
Link – aircraft -
For other configurations and corresponding prices, please see the relevant section of our website or click for assistance.
Link -
Installation is very easy. Instructions are included with each product. Installation does not require any special tools. If you need more information "Click" for help
Our neutralizers do not protect against strong radiation such as X-rays (gamma rays) or heavy particles (beta and alpha). They only protect against a wide spectrum of electromagnetic field radiation (from 0.01 Hz to over 300 GHz).
Self-Explanatory Guide
Reducing the strength of electromagnetic fields in this Wi-Fi does not make them harmless. They are just as harmful as before. Just for the record - if less EMF energy in this Wi-Fi is harmless, why do some countries have EMFs safety limits 10 times lower than others?
Partial solutions >>> - link
Get the facts. . . Don't be fooled >>> - link
Conclusion: all EMF fields including Wi-Fi appearing in your home must be harmless - this is the only possible solution. All patented by MicroAlpha Inc. the products listed here on and additional websites provide real protection, making any electromagnetic fields passing through your home, apartment or room 100% harmless.
The most powerful EMF protection - part 1 is here - link
Our neutralizers are based on our patented MicroAlpha inventions and protect 100% against the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields, including WIFI. Electromagnetic fields, including WIFI, passing through our protections are cleaned of fragments harmful to our body and become 100% harmless.
Neutralizers protect against harmful EMF radiation, including WIFI. They are developed on the basis of the fundamental laws of quantum mechanics.
This does not affect the properties of these fields, so e.g. your mobile phone will work the same as before.
On the other hand, your body will be able to rest in a protected place (house, flat or room), safely preparing energy for the next day during deep regenerative sleep.
EMF Protection for ONE ROOM - total area below 270 sq ft. - for ONE Room (max. 16 ft. x 16 ft.) These neutralizers do not require an electrical ground connection.
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
EMF PROTECTION for APARTMENT (below 1,000 sq ft - above, use "Home EMF Protection") This These neutralizers do not require an electrical ground connection.
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
- total area below 2,500 sq ft - all floors (with basement if aplicable)
These neutralizers require an electrical ground connection.
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
- total area 2,500 to 10,000 sq ft - all floors (with basement if aplicable)
These neutralizers require an electrical ground connection.
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
Just One Solution:
Our products make all EMFs harmless allowing full recovery.Read more
Solution is described on pages listed below. Depends on your observations you should have
Personal protection and treatment:Read more
EMF protection for specific area:Read more
Benefits, Origin and ProtectionRead more
Home EMF protection:Read more
Desperate Meassures - FactsRead more
Important - Prevention, permanent protection and recovery - CLICK
Warranty | Disclaimer | Waver - Personal & Peace Disk | Waver - Neutralizer | Waver - Tablet | Waver - Pets Products
Q & A FORUM: How it Works? ... Q&A | Q&A-1 | Q&A-2 || BLOGS: #1 Global Killer - BLOG | Health and EMFs - Questions & Answers - Blog | Flora, Fauna and EMFs - Blog
References | Testimonials | MicroAlpha Video Library | Our websites |